Kudos to dads who are sharing the load of babysitting, changing diapers and feeding their baby. That doesn't mean guys have to lug around "prissy" and oversized diaper bags. The Logic Bag is practical, spacious for its size, hands free and best of all, looks ruggedly cool. Get one and be the envy of other dads! Made of high quality material and comes with 6 compartments, a detachable insulated bottle holder and a changing pad.
Product Review:
"My wife and I recently purchased this diaper bag for use with our newborn. My wife was a nanny for infants and toddlers for over ten years. She says it's the best diaper bag she's used, period. The bag makes efficient use of space along the sling, making it seem roomy. It looked small to me in the pictures, but it is not (it's not humongous either). There's plenty of room for wipes, diapers, butt paste, change of clothes, etc. and some personal items for the carrier. For most guys, there is ample room for your stuff in addition to the kiddo's.
The sling itself is well balanced and this method of carrying is an excellent alternative to other diaper bag because both of your hands are free and you don't have to struggle to keep it on your shoulder while you are trying to wrangle a child, stroller, etc. Stylistically, it's a nice looking bag - a little out of the ordinary. You certainly won't look like you are carrying a purse (if that's an issue). The bag appears to be well constructed, with seams between the compartments sewn rather than glued. There is a plastic quick release buckle on the strap, which makes for easy attachment to strollers, etc"
Richard Aubin (Dallas, Texas USA)
Product Code : D001
Price : RM140
(Imported from US)